Monday, February 25, 2008

it's my blog relaunch party!!!!

welcome to my blog relaunch party!!! i can't rightly say why i'm moving my blog from myspace to but i think it's mostly a self-serving, ego-maniacal move. knowing that just my 'space friends and a few 'space strangers were reading my blogs just wasn't good enough for me - i needed more!!! will this provide a bigger forum? i'm not sure, but i think it will and i've been led to believe by knowledgeable, internets insiders that it will. plus, doesn't my blog look super cool now with all the crazy pictures and pretty colours? perhaps i'm blogging too close to the sun on wings of internets... either way, please read all of my old blogs that i painstakingly re-blogged on my new blog so you can learn to hate me all over again. oh, and don't worry, i'll post some new blogs as soon as my fingers work out all the kinks and cramps from copy and pasting all weekend.

insincerely yours,

p.s. this is what the alphabet would look like without the 'q' and the 'r' and i think i'll still post my blogs on the 'space, but only because i'm too scurred that there are people out there as lazy as me and won't travel all the way to my new blog and i don't want to lose readers.

ba dum BLOG!!!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this color scheme!

Anonymous said...

Yay for your new blog page...

Hero said...

Or you can probably leave a link at your old myspace blog for people to click on to come here. :)

ba dum BLOGger said...

like hellooo, the link is like totally all over my 'space page...

Anonymous said...

What's up with spelling color, colour? Are you British now?

ba dum BLOGger said...

no. i am not british, jamie. i'm just a raging anglophile.