okay, so i have hairy arms. however, i still contend that i'm just barely above average in arm hairiness for the run-o'-the-mill, american white caucasian male but the issue lies in the fact that my arm hair is jet black so it's much more noticeable. i've never really minded the aesthetics of it myself but in college it had gotten to the point where i overheard myself being referred to as "the guy with the hairy arms" on more than one occasion. so, i began trimming my arm hair with a beard trimmer. problem solved, right? WRONG! now, during the first week after a trim, i'd get more comments in reference to the trim than i ever did for the arm hair to begin with. yet, even with all the "do you trim your arm hair" or the "i thought your arms were hairier" i still never heard myself referred to as "the guy who trims his arm hair" so i considered this the more agreeable alternative. i felt this way until recently where i realized i was starting to get very uncomfortable with my arm hair becoming a topic of discussion. that's all i want really; just for my arm hair to be irrelevant and not an issue that warrants comments. so here i am; i'm a 26-year-old man who's decided to own it, go au naturale and let his arm hair run wild. and, while i'm at it, i think it's time for men to stop trimming, shaving and ughh... waxing their chest hair as well. now, as a completely straight and sexually comfortable hetero male, i'll say that male chest hair is the hot sex - it's manly and just looks right. i seriously think a little bit of hamburger meat spilling out of a shirt looks good. besides, can any sane or right thinking women or man truly think a slippery smooth chase "gay face" crawford or a zach "zaquisha" effron (thank you, perez hilton) is better looking than a vigorously virile burton leon reynolds or a tom selleck??? i don't think so...
ba dum BLOG!!!
I was never amazed at your arm hair, just at the way in which it seemed to gather on your knuckles and hands. I just thought it was pretty manly, it made me hold my own manhood cheap when I saw it.
i'm beginning to think ba dum BLOG!!! is merely our own, not so private conversation.
Chest hair: A-Ok
Back hair: Not ok
P.S. I have never judged a man based on his forearm hair. However, i work with a girl who has unusually hairy forearms and i fine myself staring at them ALL the time.
Hear Hear!
Damn The Man. Save the Hairpire!
Way to stick up for the regular joe and give credit where credit is due: the manly, hairy chesticles upon which this great country was built.
Own it sweetie!!! I think it's extremely sexy
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