Wednesday, May 28, 2008

adventures in cellular text messaging

a few months ago i met a drunk lady at a bar, we made an immediate connection and she gave me her digits. this is the actual transcript of a cellular text messaging dialogue we had a week later.

drunk lady
: hey honey sorry i missed your call...what are u up 2?

ba dum BLOGger
: nada. just got back from the gym. i figured if i had more muscles i wouldn't have to try so hard to be funny. how was your weekend?

drunk lady
: lol. do u want 2 come over and hang by the pool?

ba dum BLOGger
: shoot. i can't right now. you want to get something to eat later? also, i like when you call me "honey." makes me feel like i'm texting with my grandma.

drunk lady
: lol! i am with katya. can i bring her?

ba dum BLOGger
: sure. did i meet her?

drunk lady
: yes.

ba dum BLOGger
: wait. do you girls have bfs?

drunk lady
: nah.. we r kinda in early phases of relationships. doesn't mean we cant hang out.

ba dum BLOGger
: true. a cooler guy may be able to handle that but i am not that cool nor am i that guy. have a nice rest of your day!

drunk lady
: you don't want to be friends?!?!!?

ba dum BLOGger
: i already have enough friends (girls who won't have sex w/ me). no hard feelings. i still think u r a really neat lady!

drunk lady: okay. well good luck then... too bad.

drunk lady
: ur loss.

ba dum BLOGger
: ;-)

we would never cellular text message again...i will die alone :(

ba dum BLOG!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty weak dude. You should have done it. I tried to date a girl with a bf. She freaked because she thought I was mad hot, but didn't want to be a cheat. I sure do feel good about myself!