ba dum POD!!! episode 11
oh, how i love the energy and alacrity that kelly #1 brings to the pod and you will too! really though, our chemistry is something to behold... like a podcast, a million times less funny version of jerry and elaine. so, in today's pod we discussed our master cleanse diet, liverwurst, kelly's psycho friend "the orange grimace," our work softball team and my wish to be orphaned. but more importantly, this pod precipitated my virgin forray into the online dating world; not to find a gf or get laid really but to follow through on the original podding plan to pod pods with kely #1 detailing my awful dates. so, here's my plenty o'fish "worm" and we'll see if i get any "bites"... LOLZZZ. but now i feel guilty because i might be going out with these fish just for the sole purpose of podding a pod about bad dates. then again, the pod comes first and dignity and common human decency comes a distant second and third.
ba dum BLOG!!!
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